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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Round two with the turkey heads

Well we were back at the shop today and Gunner got into some trouble. The turkey heads had been laying in the yard since yesterday and I decided to throw them back in the woods. Of course Gunner was right there watching. I threw them over the fence and told him NO in a very stern voice. I made him walk back to the porch with me and I went inside. I watched out the window and there he went into the woods. I waited until he had one in his mouth coming back out and walked outside. He had a very guilty look on his face knowing he was doing wrong. I met him at the fence and said "No... drop it" He did exactly that and came back under the fence cowering as I shook my finger and gave him a little talking to. Went back inside and a few minutes later caught him back over in the woods. I looked at him and said get back over here and he trotted back. After that he didn't attempt it again. It usually only takes two times for him to understand what he's suppose to do with commands, orders, etc. Very smart dog and always knows when he's up to no good!

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