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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dog days of Summer

Its that time of year to keep them dogs cool. For us Labrador owners its especially important. The hot summer days are harder on Labs than most other breeds of dogs. Their size is one reason, another is that layer of fat that was bred into them to perform in the cold, wet conditions. No thought was really given as to how they would handle the heat. Color is another downfall in the Chocolate and Black breeds.
If your dog is outside make sure it has shade throughout the day and fresh water. I have a water vat outside for Gunner to get in and he gets fresh water every day. Let them exercise in the morning and evening, try to avoid the heat of the day. And by all means don't lock them inside a car even if the windows are cracked. If you have to confine them during the day (garage, small room) make sure your aware of the temperature of this area throughout the day.
I know Gunner is much less active this time of year. When I take him to my shop he usually lays under the porch vs. roughhousing with the neighbor dog. Also, any chance he gets he's inside laying on the cool linoleum floor. I also brush him often, sheds quite a bit this time of year, don't know if this helps much but can't hurt to get all that loose hair off him.

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